Welcome to the server! Enjoy your stay!

Servers automatically restart every day at 6am.


  1. This server is 18+!!!
  2. No bigotry, such as homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, ableism, etc.
  3. No gory, offensive, or otherwise disturbing sprays/Conscientious Objectors.
  4. Pornographic/NSFW sprays ARE allowed, but nothing with any hard kinks.
  5. Don't abuse cheats or use unfair scripts (auto-bhop for example).
  6. Don't ask for Admin or VIP.
  7. Don't target specific players to annoy them.
  8. Friendlies are allowed, but so is killing them. Friendlies can also fight back if they care to. Basically, kill who you want but don't get mad if they retaliate.
  9. The Big Chief, Bunsen Brave, and Chieftain's Challenge hats are NOT allowed on this server. If an admin sees you wearing one of them, you'll be asked to remove it. Refusal to comply may result in a kick/ban.
  10. Music micspam is allowed if the majority of the people playing on the server are okay with it and you do not play music over anybody else's. If multiple people wish to play music, respectfully take turns.

Breaking any of these rules will result in a warning/kick/ban as admins see fit.